Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mugs, Writing and Rain, Oh My!: A Vlog

Basically, I vlog because I'm too lazy to type. And my feet hurt. Which is irrelevant.


  1. Hey. I like mugs too. :D Haha, nice vlog.

  2. Classy people who are moving to NYC like mugs.

  3. I have three days of school and then finals too! good luck, seriously. also, LOVE THE MUGS!

  4. Thanks, cupcake! Good luck to you, too!

  5. I really enjoyed watching this vlog about mugs, writing and rain! It was wonderful to see how the blogger tied these three simple things together to create a cohesive and enjoyable experience. I especially appreciated hearing about the inspiration the blogger found from the rainy weather outside, and how it enhanced their writing experience. Overall, a lovely and insightful vlog that left me feeling inspired to listen to the sound of rain and sip on a warm mug of tea while I write.
